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Export data: How to open a CSV file

Anna P Updated by Anna P

In this space we want to explain how to read your CSV file after you've exported your bot's data!

Remember you can export data from different sections of your bot. You can check all the sections you can export data from in this article πŸ“ˆ

What is a CSV file?

A CSV file is a file that contains plain data, and each item is separated by commas ( , ). This is where the name CSV comes from, Comma-Separated Values πŸ€“

CSV files are designed to be a way to easily export data and import it into other programs.

You can read these files using different programs.

Here we're going to talk about the most commonly used programs: Google Spreadsheets (recommended) and MS Excel.

How to send the csv file to your mail?:

  1. πŸ“„ Click on "Send report".
  1. You will get this alert when you click it, confirming the email address it will be sent to:
  1. Depending on where you're sending the report from, you will be able to apply date ranges πŸ˜‰

NOTE: The email will be sent to the email address you use to log in to Landbot.

Import and open the csv file

Open in Google Spreadsheets

  1. Once you receive the email, download your csv file into your computer. This is how the email will look like:

  1. And this is the CSV file attached to the email:

  1. If you're using Gmail in Chrome as a browser (recommended), you will notice direct options to open this file with Google Spreadsheets.

Simply click on one of the 3 options to:

  • download the file,
  • save the file in your Drive, or
  • edit with Google Spreadsheets directly (recommended):
  1. Choose your CSV file
  2. The following window will pop up. Choose β€œImport data.”
  1. Done! your data should be ready to check πŸ‘

Open in Excel
  1. Open a new Excel sheet.
  2. Click the Data tab, then From Text:
  1. Select the CSV file.
  2. At this point, the Import Wizard will start πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ This is the window where we will set up how excel will read our file.
  3. Select Delimited, and then Comma (because we want the reader to understand commas delimit a value). Click next.
  1. Select General data format and click finish:
  1. Lastly, i's going to ask where in your spreadsheed you want the table to start, you can select anywhere you want, we suggest A1:

After clicking OK, your data should appear in your spreadsheet, organized in columns and, with their original headers. If your data contained fields with leading zeros, double-check to make sure they made the transition through the Import Text Wizard.


Tips πŸ’‘

Google Sheets vs Excel πŸ€”

You need to pre-set in excel how is the file going to be read, as explained above, and Google spreadsheet adapts the reader automatically.

So we recommend trying Google Spreadsheets before Excel πŸ™‚

Doc size

If the csv file has over 100 columns, we suggest filtering your data by variables if possible, or splitting the file in smaller parts by selecting a smaller date range to reduce the amount of rows could help speed up the process.

Check for semicolons (;)

Semicolons (;) can cause errors in .CSV files. This data should be separated by commas.Β 

Open the CSV file in Notepad or TextEdit and replace all the semicolons with a comma with the find all and replace function. Once saved, try the import again.

It will look like this:

- And if you hit ctrl+f(windows) or cmd+f(mac) it will open a field, where you can write a semicolon (;) like this:

This way you'll be able to find the semicolons fast and correct them into commas.

Save the file, and reopen with the program you want to use to read: Spreadsheets or Excel.

πŸ“ Your csv file, if all the steps were followed correctly, should look like this:

Values corresponding to each column will be aligned, no missing data, or misplaced. πŸ˜‰

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How to export the data from your bots

Bot's Analyze Section
