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Calendly Integration block

Alexander Gao Updated by Alexander Gao

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Need to allow users to book a meeting through your bot, and even update your Google Calendar with those scheduled meetings?

Using our Calendly block you can do that easily, integrating your bot with a Calendly Account πŸš€

If you don't have a Calendly Account yet, you can create one here and then integrate it with Landbot πŸš€ Make sure to create a username with less than 30 digits though !
Calendly integration block is only available on Professional and Business plans
How to set up the Calendly block?

Please follow the steps in this article to see how to set it up:

  1. Choose theΒ CalendlyΒ block under the Integrations group.

Basic Settings
  1. Click onΒ Calendly block,Β and the block editor will open on the left side of your screen.

  1. Connect a Calendly Account:Β If this is your first time connecting a Calendly account, you'll need to integrate one.


  1. After connecting your Calendly account, fill in the block with the following information:

  1. Select event to show: here we can decide how long the meeting will be.
  2. You can choose 15 minutes, 30 minutes or 60 minutes meeting

If you want to allow the users to decide how long they want the meeting to be, you can select the option Show all events:

  1. Customize the invite: Set up all the details that will be seen by the user:
    • Invite message: the message that will be sent to the user inviting to a meeting.
    • Button text: Customize the button that will be displayed to trigger the block, allowing the users to book a meeting.

This is how the block will be seen by the user:

Optional Settings
  1. User's data variables: When you invite the user to a meeting, the block will ask him/her for their Name and Email to populate the Calendly Account with this information.
    Using this option, you can save the name and email in variables to store the information in your bot.

This is how it will look like for your final user:

As you can see, the name and the email we sent appeared in the schedule form.

Other invitee questions

In case you want to send more information to Calendly, a part from email and name, and populate other fields (questions) with information you also collected with the bot, you need to press "Add Question Variable"

And select the variable you want to use to populate the Calendly question:

You can add as many fields as questions do you have in the Calendly event.

Bear in mind that the order must match!

Save the data as variables
  1. It is also possible to save the information from the meeting in variables, such as the Event Type, or Start time and the End time of the meeting:

Make sure to create the variables you want to store in your bot:

Two paths: Event booked and Event canceled

After setting up the Calendly block, make sure to connect the outputs from the block, one for then the event is booked and another when the user does not want to have a meeting.

  • Event booked: this path is for the users who have successfully booked the event.
  • Event canceled: this path is for the users who skipped the Calendly block, canceling the meeting.

The flow of Event booked:

The flow of Event canceled:

Meeting booked

After the integration is complete and the user has booked a meeting, you will find all the information on your Calendly page and receive an email from Calendly with all the details from the meeting:

Pro tip - Google Calendar

In your Calendly account, you can choose the option to integrate your Calendly with Google Calendar, updating your agenda with the new meeting.

To do so, please:

  1. Click on Integrations:

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and choose the option Calendar Connections:
  1. Click on + Add Calendar Account (if you are logging in with a Gmail account, this integration will be done automatically).

  1. Set up the options for the calendar you already have integrated:

And that is it!

Channel Type compatibility

for Web

This feature is fully compatible.

for WhatsApp

This feature is not compatible with WhatsApp.

for Messenger

This feature is not compatible with Messenger.

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