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Conditions block

Pau Sanchez Updated by Pau Sanchez

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For Landbot (Web)

Note: This Block is only available on premium accounts.

Conditional Logic allows you to hyper-personalize your final User Experience. Make sure a field exists or equals something specific and bring contextualized experiences to your visitors!

To create a Conditions block, click on the desired block's green output you want to continue the flow from, pull an arrow to the desired place where you want to place the new block to be, and leave the arrow, then a block selector will display. Write "Conditions" in the block selector and click on Conditions.

Block anatomy

  1. IF @ input: Where we write (select) the variable that we want to check

  1. Condition Operator

  1. Value / Variable input: Where we write (select) the variable or a value (string or number) that we want to check against the first variable

  1. Add rule (AND & OR): To add more than one rule

  1. TRUE output (Green dot) FALSE output (Red dot)

How to set up operators

  • EQUAL TO ( = ): When you need to check that a variable and a value or other variables are equal.

  • DOES NOT EQUAL TO ( != ): To make sure a variable and a variable or a value are not completely equal

  • CONTAINS: Useful to check if a variable (for example a sentence or a word) has a specific content

  • GREATER THAN ( > ): Only for variables that are number, in the example below, checks if @number1 is greater than @number2

  • LESS THAN ( < ): Only for variables that are numbers, in the example below, checks if @number1 is smaller than @number2

  • IS SET: Checks if a variable has a value, in case it does, will be TRUE (green dot)

Block user examples

Below three short example of how the Conditions block works:

EXAMPLE 1 - Check specific email In this example we'll split the path as follows: if the field @email equals (=) - aka some important pal at Alphabet - we'll ask about Google. If not, we'll just ask the name:

EXAMPLE 2 - Check two possible conditions Sometimes we need to check 2 (or more) conditions, and redirect the flow accordingly. To do that we need to chain each condition one after the other. If the first Condition block is true the flow continues, if is false goes to the next checking.

EXAMPLE 3 - Check the range of numbers  Sometimes we might need to check if a number is in a certain period, for example, if the company size (number of employees) is between a specific range. For that we need to use the greater than and smaller than operators as below:


The condition has to check if a text contains "Tree" but when it contains "tree" doesn't work.

The condition contains is case sensitive, so the Tree is not equal to the tree. Add a second rule to check if contains "Tree" & "tree"

For WhatsApp

This block behaves exactly the same way as in the landbot (web) version.

For Facebook Messenger

This block behaves exactly the same way as in the landbot (web) version.

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AB Test

Conditions block II (with Dates, Usage and Agents variables)
