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Question: Scale block

For Landbot (Web)

Scale question: pretty self-explanatory: share a scale your visitors can move from one side or the other to pick their answer!

  1. First, drag and drop the green dot and type in "Scale" to create this type of question.
  2. Again, you'll see a menu where you can add text, format it, and customize the variable name where the answer will be saved (by default @scale), right at the bottom:

  1. Here you can customize not only the question text, but also:
    1. From: Where do you want the scale to start.
    2. Left label: Assign a name to the minimum value within the scale.
    3. To: Where do you want the scale to finish.
    4. Right label: Assign a name to the maximum value within the scale.
  2. Finally, this is what this block looks like in the conversation:

Since landbot creates a possible answer for every number within your range, try sticking to 15-number-scales maximum!

For WhatsApp

This block is not compatible with WhatsApp bots. Nevertheless, a workaround is to use the Buttons block to make a scale.

For Facebook Messenger

This block behaves exactly the same way as in the Landbot (web) version.

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Create a Scale out of Buttons - Workaround
