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Slack Integration Dashboard

Pau Sanchez Updated by Pau Sanchez

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In the Channels section you will be able to see individually the different integrations to each channel.

Account/Integration configuration
  1. Start by clicking on the Connect Now button (or Add New Channel if you is not the first time) which will redirect you to Slack to integrate your Workspace with Landbot:

  1. And then you can select the channel where your notifications will be posted from the drop-down next to "Post to" and click Authorize:

Once you have selected your channel you want to receive the notifications, you will be redirected back to the integration page when you will see the item of the selected channel.

From there you will be able to add as many channels as you want and use them into your bots.

Select Account/Integration in the builder Block

Once the integration is done, you will be able to select it in the Slack block in the builder

Delete Account/Integration

To delete the items you have integrated with Landbot you have to click on the delete icon.

A pop up will ask you for double confirmation. Once pressed it cannot be undone

Important: it is not possible to delete integrations that are being used into a bot. You have to delete before the corresponding block using the integration into the bot builder. Press the bot id to be redirected to the bot builder.

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Slack Notification block
