Table of Contents

Question: Email block

For Landbot (Web)

Email question: we all love getting emails - that's what lead generation is all about - so this is one of our most important blocks!

  1. First, drag and drop the green dot and type in "Email" to create this type of question.
  2. Again, you'll see a menu where you can add text, format it, and customize the variable name where the answer will be saved (by default @email), right at the bottom:
  3. You can now preview how the block will look from the builder, by clicking on the Question: Email block itself:
    And you can switch from mobile to desktop view 😊

Final view πŸš€:

Format Validation (Error Message)
Warning: The users must make sure to input an answer in the format "xx@xx.xx"!

If they enter anything else, Landbot will launch an error message and will ask to enter it again.

Landbot automatically validates that the email provided by the users has a valid email format.

If you want to change the content or the language of this message, all you have to do is go to Settings > Custom Responses and switch on the "Error message" and "Make each question validation error customizable".

Then you will be able to customize the error message from the builder:

For WhatsApp

This block behaves exactly the same way as in the Landbot (web) version.

Here is how it will be displayed:

And this is how the error message (format validation) will look like:

At the moment, it's not possible to change this message in WhatsApp! ⚠️

For Facebook Messenger

This block behaves exactly the same way as in the Landbot (web) version.

Here is how it will be displayed:

It is possible to edit the Question Validation error in the block itself, by enabling this option in Settings > Custom Responses > Error Messages. You just have to enable the option Make each question validation error customizable.

And this is how it will look in messenger:

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Send an Email

HTML Template for Emails
