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Adding a WhatsApp number to your account

Gustavo Mejicanos Updated by Gustavo Mejicanos


If you are ready to start working with "WhatsApp Business API" and boost your BOT's potential, here is a guideline on how to integrate a new number. Please, remember to check the "Requirements section" so you can follow the process smoothly.

We'll be including tutorial videos throughout the process๐Ÿš€

Requirements before you start the process

  • Upgrade to a WhatsApp plan here
  • Have admin access to your Business Manager --> check here
  • Can receive an SMS or voice call on the number you want to connect with Landbot
  • If the phone number is active on one of the WhatsApp apps, you'll need to delete it from the app. To do so, please follow steps 3-5 of this process.
IMPORTANT: Make sure you keep the sim card active, there may be a possibility you have to use it again in the future

Integration Process

1. Navigating to the Landbot WhatsApp section
  1. Login into your Landbot account, then click on the WhatsApp logo on the menu section.

  1. If you already have a channel, you'll find a "Add new number" button at the top right:

If you're adding your first channel and/or have not added a WhatsApp plan yet, you'll find the following screen:

  1. Choose between connecting a new phone number or migrating an already connected number to WhatsaApp Business API but on another platform
  2. Phone number check: confirm if the number you want to connect associated with any WhatsApp account or not
Remember the phone number you add must be able to receive a verification code via SMS or call
If you chose to add a number already associated to a WhatsApp account, to keep your current number,ย you must first delete your existing personal or business accountย before proceeding. Here are Meta requirements and how to proceed
  1. Confirm if you have access to your Meta Business Manager

If you do have access, make sure you also have the following info:

  • The name of your company, as visible to customers
  • The legal company name
  • The company's official address

If you don't have access, you need Admin access to Meta Business Manager to connect with WhatsApp Business API.

Click on here to know What is Meta Business Manager

  1. Now it's time to Connect with Facebook!
  2. Login into your Facebook account, if you haven't already
Please, remember the facebook account you will log into should be the one that has Admin access to the Facebook Business Manager.
  1. Click on "Get started" to connect your WhatsApp business account to Landbot
  1. Click on "Continue" to connect your account to and give us the necessary permissions

  1. Choose or create the Meta business account you'd like to link to your WhatsApp account by clicking on the dropdown menu
  1. Fill the following screen with the business information
    This step will only be necessary if you are creating a new Facebook Business Manager Account.

  1. Create or select your WhatsApp Business account

  1. Create your WhatsApp Business profile

It's time to create your Business profile, if you don't have one yet.

We recommend to use the same "Display Name" as the branding on your website. You can check the Display name guidelines here

  1. Add a phone number for WhatsApp

Add the phone number that you will be connecting with Landbot. Please keep in mind this number can't be used simultaneously in WhatsApp business or the WhatsApp consumer app.

Or, Get a free WhatsApp number: WhatsApp will generate a +1 555 number to use exclusively for sending messages. It cannot be used to start or receive calls or texts. No verification required.

This option will be available for selected accounts, you'll find more information here:

Once done, click "Next".

If the existing phone number is active on one of the WhatsApp apps, you'll need to delete it from the app. To do so, please follow steps 3-5 of this process.

  1. Insert verification code

You will receive a verification code via phone call or SMS. Click "Next".

Make sure your phone number is able to receive international SMS or phone calls

  1. Your WhatsApp account is ready

Now that your account is ready, there is something you need to know before you start any conversation:

WhatsApp has different messaging tier limits:

  • Unverified business manager accounts: 250 business initiated conversations per 24 hours
  • Verified business manager accounts: 1000 business initiated conversations per 24 hours

You can check all the details regarding these limits here

We recommend to verify your Facebook Business Manager account as soon as possible. Learn how by checking this documentation

4. Complete the integration
  1. The last step: Complete the integration

Tick the box and click on "Complete Integration".

5. Set-up your WhatsApp channel
  1. Great job! Your WhatsApp number is ready!
    Now that you integrated your WhatsApp number, please check the linked articles on the overview section to link a Bot and set-up your Whatsapp Business channel.

You can find the full video tutorial bellow:

How did we do?

Facebook Business Verification - Best Practices ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง

WhatsApp Channel Settings
