Trigger Event if User Abandons Chat

Abby Updated by Abby

If a user abandons a chat there are several actions we can take to get them to re-engage.

Here we will use Pipedream to trigger an HSM template for users who didn't complete the flow

In this example, we wait 48 hours after the chat has been initiated, then use Pipedream to check the Landbot API to see if the variable we added for 'flow completed' is false, if so we send a follow up message with an HSM template

However, if we set the timer to 23 hours (within the 24 hour window) you could also assign them to a webhook block to create a ticket in Zendesk or Intercom, or simply send a message without the need to use HSM

The flow:

We can make our flow as complicated, or as simple as we'd like, the important things here are the variables and the Trigger Automation block

At the beginning of our flow we need a variable 'completedflow' that equals false, if you change the name of this variable you will need to change the code in Pipedream, so unless you have a developer it's not advised to change the name here

At the end of our flow we will change 'completedflow' to true, this means we won't send any follow up if they reach this point

Let's go to Pipedream now (you can use this Pipedream template to get started)


The first module we use here is a trigger, this takes in the user ID from Landbot (we'll get to that later)

This is what the configuration will look like:

Next we'll copy the unique URL that it gives us:

Let's go back to the bot, we'll add a Trigger Automation block with the following test values:

We'll test this using 'Test webhook trigger' just to be sure we've got the right URL, it should return a 200 in Landbot, and the results should look like this in Pipedream:

Let's press continue

Next we'll add the workflow_delay module, we can select seconds, minutes, or hours. I've selected 48 hours for the bot in production, however for testing I've selected 8 seconds

Let's press continue.

Next we'll add a Node.JS module, here you'll need to add your own API Token where you see XXXXXX, and change the HSM template ID for the one you choose to send.

Get your API Token from here.

You can paste the following code in the Node module to send a Template:

import axios from 'axios';
export default defineComponent({
async run({ steps, $ }) {
const customerID =;
const res = await axios.get('' + customerID + '/', {
headers: { 'Authorization': 'Token XXXXXXXXXXXXXX' }});
let completedFlow =;
if(completedFlow == 'false'){
const options = {headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json','Authorization': 'Token ' + auth}};
return await`${customerID}/send_template/`, {"template_id": 3424,"template_params": { "header": { "params": [] }, "body": { "params": [] }, "buttons":[ { "params": [] } ] },"template_language": "en"} , options)

Let's test, deploy and start using our workaround!

In addition to send a Template, you can perform other actions using the Landbot API:

  1. In case you need just to Send a Text, use this code instead:
import axios from 'axios';
export default defineComponent({
async run({ steps, $ }) {
const customerID =;
const res = await axios.get('' + customerID + '/', {
headers: { 'Authorization': 'Token XXXXXXXXXXXXXX' }});
let completedFlow =;
if(completedFlow == 'false'){
const options = {headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json','Authorization': 'Token ' + auth}};
return await`${customerID}/send_text/`, { "message": "Hello" } , options)

  1. If you'd like to Close the Conversation you can use this snippet:
import axios from 'axios';
export default defineComponent({
async run({ steps, $ }) {
const customerID =;
const res = await axios.get('' + customerID + '/', {
headers: { 'Authorization': 'Token XXXXXXXXXXXXXX' }});
let completedFlow =;
if(completedFlow == 'false'){
const options = {headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json','Authorization': 'Token ' + auth}};
return await axios.put(`${customerID}/archive/`, options)

  1. If you want to Assign the customer to a specific point in the bot flow you can use this snippet:
import axios from 'axios';
export default defineComponent({
async run({ steps, $ }) {
const customerID =;
const bot_id = XXXXX;
const block_id = XXXXX;
const res = await axios.get('' + customerID + '/', {
headers: { 'Authorization': 'Token XXXXXXXXXXXXXX' }});
let completedFlow =;
if(completedFlow == 'false'){
const options = {headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json','Authorization': 'Token ' + auth}};
return await axios.put(`${customerID}/assign_bot/${bot_id}/`, { "launch": true, "node": block_id} }, options)}

How did we do?

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