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WhatsApp bots - Feature Compatibility Guide

Elisa Updated by Elisa

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Features Compatible with WhatsApp bots

Let's take a look at the list of them:

Reply Buttons block

The Reply Buttons block allows you to add buttons in a WhatsApp bot for quick replies, saving time and effort to the user of the bot.

To get more information please check our Reply Buttons Block (WhatsApp) Article.
User Input Block

All WhatsApp bots are triggered when the user sends their first message, this is why the first block is the User Input block.

This block can be very useful because it allows you to capture the user's first message in a variable. It will automatically store it in the @user_input string variable, but you can always change it for another variable.

To get more information please visit this article.
Welcome Message block

In WhatsApp bots we don't have the usual Welcome Message block per se, as the first block always has to be the User Input block. This means that you can use any block you like to start the bot!

We advise you to use this setup for the First Message of your WhatsApp Bots.
To get more information please visit this article.
List Buttons Block

This blocks allows you to set a text where the user will have a list of different options displayed as buttons to choose from. They can select only one option or have a multiple choices.

To get more information please visit this article.
Opt-in Block

This block will help you getting the user's consent to receive upcoming messages from you in their WhatsApp numbers, it's very important to obtain it so you can contact them proactively.

To get more information please visit this article.
Opt-in Check Block

This block will check if the user has previously accepted the Opt-in block. It will help you verifying users and setting up a flow for those who have accepted the Opt-in and those who still haven't.

To get more information please visit this article.
Send a Message block

You can use this block to send a message to your visitors with just a couple of clicks.

To get more information please visit this article.

Types of Content you can use in WhatsApp (and how it is displayed)

It is possible to send many types of content to users on WhatsApp.

But this content may be displayed in a special way, according to its type.

To get more information please visit this article.

Question: Name block

You can use this block to ask for the user's name, middle name, surname, and so on.

To get more information please visit this article.

Question: Text

This block allows you to receive any kind of inputs from the user, including numbers and Files, storing the information in a variable in the String Format.

To get more information please visit this article.
Question: Email

With this block you can ask for the user's email, and it also allows you to add a validation error message, in case the user does not answer in the format of an email.

To get more information please visit this article.

Question: Phone block

You can use this block to ask for the user's phone number.

In case that the user's input is not a number, it will trigger an error message, requesting the user to type a number.

To get more information please visit this article.

Question: URL block

With this block you can ask for URLs.

In case of not valid sites, it will trigger an error message, requesting the user to input a valid URL.

To get more information please visit this article.

Human Takeover block

You can use this block to redirect the user to an agent online.

Please notice that in this case, the design, avatar, input field, etc displayed when the Human Takeover happens will be the ones provided by WhatsApp, and the setup will not change as it does for Web bots.

To get more information please visit this article.

Close chat block

Use this block to organize the workflow in the Chats section of your Landbot account.

This feature will not automatically close the conversation's tab/window. It closes a conversation in the Chats section of your Landbot account.

To get more information please visit this article.

Conditions block

You can use this block to add conditional logic to your bot flow.

To get more information please visit this article.

Set Variable

This block allows you to create, edit and set a variable within the bot flow.

To get more information please visit this article.

Formulas block

This block allows you to make complex operations with values inside Landbot, like you do in other platforms like Google Spreadsheets or Excel, and store the result in an outcome variable.

To get more information please visit this article.

Keyword Jump

This block lets you easily set up a condition for your visitor's flow based on text inputs.

To get more information please visit this article.

AB Test

With this block, you can Split your visitors into different paths to compare their performance or randomize messages.

To get more information please visit this article.
Jump To block

This block works only between WhatsApp bots, but you need to select the bot and the node you are "jumping to".

To get more information please visit this article.

Global Keywords

This block allows setting Keywords that are going to be valid for the entire flow of the bot

 The text field is always available at every user input, this means the Global Keywords are always going to be recognized (ex: in buttons, yes/no, etc...)
To get more information please visit this article.

Keyword Options

The options of this block are displayed as a number list of choices, but now you can use multiple keywords for each option, aside from the numbers.

To get more information please visit this article.


With this block, you can add all the important information in form of notes anywhere on the canvas to keep track of your flows and ideas in all your bots. Great for collaborative Landbot and huge flows!

To get more information please visit this article.


This block helps you to easy to validate if your leads are qualified or if they are matching your criteria.

To get more information please visit this article.

Lead Scoring block

This block refers to assigning points to leads based on how relevant they are to your goal. For example, how likely they are to purchase your product.

To get more information please visit this article.

Features partially compatible with WhatsApp bots

Buttons block

This block is partially compatible because WhatsApp doesn't allow buttons, so the options will be displayed as a numbered list of choices, so the valid answer to this type of question will be typing the number corresponding to your choice.

We recommend using the Keyword Options block, which was designed specifically for WhatsApp and Messenger, instead of the Buttons block. To get more information please visit this article

Media block

This block is partially compatible, you can use this block to send pictures, YouTube Links, and audio messages, nevertheless, is NOT possible to send Gifs, and will not display any link to the gif either.

To get more information please visit this article.

Please notice that the content may be displayed in a special way, according to its type.

To get more information please visit this article.

Question: File

This block is partially compatible because the user needs to use the native upload functionality of WhatsApp to select and upload the file.

Warning: Multiple files upload option is not available in WhatsApp bots.

To get more information please visit this article.

You can also allow users to add files using the Question: Text block.

Question: Date

This block is partially compatible:

  • It won't display a calendar to choose from, the user must type in the date.
  • It will validate if the input is correct, according to the format chosen in the block (ie. 2019/12/24).
  • It will display an error message if the date input is not correct.
  • The Set Available Dates feature (Past, Future, etc) is not compatible in WhatsApp.
Warning: Since it will not be possible to proceed before answering this block in the correct format, please make sure to select the right format and inform the user about it.

To get more information please visit this article.

Question: Number block

This block is partially compatible because the Advanced options are not available in WhatsApp bots.

As a workaround, you can use the Conditions block to set maximum and minimum value options
To get more information please visit this article.

Question: Address

This block is partially compatible due to these reasons:

  • It won't display a list of suggestions
  • It will store the input of the user in a variable in the format String.

To get more information please visit this article.

Goodbye block

This block will not CLOSE the chat, but if the user interacts again with the bot, it will start from the beginning of the bot. Also, this block is partially compatible, due to these reasons:

  • The Goodbye Message is displayed
  • Social icons are not displayed
  • If a link is set up to redirect to another website it will be displayed as a static URL but no further action will be taken
To get more information please visit this article.

Dynamic Data block

This block is partially compatible. It can display a list of choices (the same as the “buttons” block) but can't be displayed as autocomplete/picture choice.

For more information on how to use this block, please visit this article.

Features NOT compatible with WhatsApp bots

If you want to know more information about this feature please visit this article

Yes/No block
If you want to know more information about this feature please visit this article

Question: Auto-complete block

If you want to know more information about this feature please visit this article

Question: Scale block
If you want to know more information about this feature please visit this article

Question: Rating block
If you want to know more information about this feature please visit this article

Question: Picture Choice block
If you want to know more information about this feature please visit this article

Code block
If you want to know more information about this feature please visit this article

Persistent Menu block
If you want to know more information about this feature please visit this article

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