WhatsApp Number Deletion (WA Channel management)


There could be situations where you might need to delete the phone number that you have active with Landbot because you need it for a different use.

In such cases, you'll need to get in contact with our Support team at help@landbot.io, or with your designated Landbot Account Manager to help you delete the phone number from Landbot.

Deleting a phone number from Landbot

To start the deletion of your phone number from Landbot, please get in touch with our Support team via email at help@landbot.io or reach out to your designated Landbot Account Manager.

  • Please provide the phone number along with its country code (e.g., +34 681 340 XXX)
  • Include a brief message outlining the reasons for your request to delete the number.
  • Once our Support team or your Landbot Account Manager has received all necessary details, they will proceed with the deletion of your phone number. You will be notified once the process is complete.
IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that all the data in Landbot associated to the phone number (subscribers, audiences, metrics...) will be deleted along with the phone number.

Deleting phone number from Facebook Business Manager

Please, do not proceed with the deletion of your phone number from Facebook Business Manager until it has been deleted from Landbot.
IMPORTANT: If you delete a phone number from the Facebook Business Manager, it will lose:
Display Name, Official Business Account status (if applicable), Messaging Quality Tier and Messaging limit, and Chat History and Insight Data.
  1. Go to the Phone numbers tab of your Facebook Business Manager.
  2. Search for the name or WABA ID the drop down menu in the top right corner:
  3. Click on the garbage can ๐Ÿ—‘ย next to the phone number you want to delete:
  4. This will prompt a small pop up. Click next and remove the number:
  5. Once the number has been deleted it will appear as below:
REMEMBER to please only follow the steps above after you've contacted our Support Team and we've confirmed the number has been deleted from Landbot.

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Adding a WhatsApp number to your account
