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Customizing the Proactive Message

Anna P Updated by Anna P

With the Proactive message functionality, you will be able to capture the attention of the users and get them to click on the widget easily. Here we will show how to design each part of this functionality πŸš€

Note: Keep in mind that the proactive message is only available for the live chat & pop up embedding modesπŸ‘†πŸ»and the changes won't be displayed in the Preview mode in the share section, only once is embedded πŸ€“

For Landbot (Web) πŸš€

Proactive Message Text πŸ’¬

To add a proactive message to your bot or edit it:

1. just go to the Share section > Embed Into your Website

2. Enable the option "Do you want to show a Proactive message".

3. In the text area below Message you can add the Message you want to display:


You can add the text in the Proactive message:

And this is how it will look on the website:

Please keep in mind that the Proactive message will be shown only once unless you have your bot set to the "always start a new conversation" mode in the Second Visit Settings.

Note: The code that you will copy in Β <body> section of your website will remain the same even if you change the Message

Change Proactive Delay ⏱

Go to the Share > Embed Into your Website

  • If you want to show a proactive message:

In the text area below How many seconds have to pass since the Livechat has been loaded until the welcome message is sent add as many seconds as you want to delay between the site is fully loaded and the proactive message is displayed:

Note: The code that you will copy in Β the <body> section of your website will remain the same even if you change the Proactive delay

Change Proactive Avatar πŸ€–

You can find it in the Design section > Logo & Avatar > Logo Image:

Note: By default, Landbot will use the Landbot Avatar that is in setting up even if you delete it.

Customize de Bubble + icon/Icon πŸ–

To customize the Bubble color and the Icon that will appear on your page go to Design > Icons & Logo > Customize the bubble launcher icon

Note: You can find further information about Customizing the bubble/widget by clicking on this Article πŸ”—

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