Table of Contents

Metrics Section

Dilyara Updated by Dilyara

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We know how important it is to have effective data collection and analysis in order to make smart decisions.

Good data provides valuable knowledge and allows you to monitor the health of your brand.

That's why we created the Metrics section! Let's take a quick look at it 👀

NOTE: Please keep in mind that the filters you apply in the Metrics section will be saved as your default metrics settings, and you can change them at anytime 🤓

General Information

To access the Metrics section, go to your Dashboard and on the left side panel click on the metrics icon:

This is how it looks when you access it:

The Metrics section will display three subsections:

  1. Overview
  2. Channels
  3. Agent Reports

Warning: We advise you to export data regularly.

If your bots add up too many chats without being exported (more than 5.000 chats), it will take long to receive all the data if you do it at once. You will eventually receive all the data, but it may take some time to be delivered.
For Sandbox plan, when the limitation of 30 chats/month is reached, it's temporary not possible to access and export the data until the renovation of next month.


The Overview subsection allows you to view the overall data of your brand.

It is divided into two sections: Conversations data and Metrics

Metrics section

In the Metrics section, you can find the overall basic information of all bots of your brand, such as:

  1. Active chats - total number of users that interacted with your bot. It means that, at least, they've interacted with the Start Message.
  2. New chats - total number of new users that started a conversation with your bot, interacting, at least, with the Start Message.
The difference between Active and New chats is that New chats include only users that have interacted with your bot for the first time.

The New chats metric can be higher than Active chats, depending on how you have the Second Visit Settings for your bot.

That means, if a user visits the same bot a second time, and the bot has the second visit set to "Provide Buttons to Start again or Continue", or "Always Continue the Conversation", this chat will not count as a New Chat, and will remain in the count of Active Chats.

For example, today you created a WhatsApp bot and 10 users have interacted with it. You'll have 10 Active chats and 10 New chats today.

The next day these same 10 users continue the conversation and 1 new user starts a conversation with your bot. You'll have 11 Active chats and 1 New chat.

  1. Received messages - total number of messages received by your bots from the users. It includes every single interaction, such as Images, GIFs, URLs, etc..
  2. Sent messages - total number of messages sent by your bots to the users. As well as received messages, it includes every single interaction, such as Images, GIFs, URLs, etc..
  3. Total messages - total number of received and sent messages.

Also, there's a possibility to filter data by:

  • Date range - you can visualize the data in different pre-defined date ranges or even create your own custom date range up to 12 months in the past.
  • Timeframe - once you've chosen the date range, you can choose whether you want to visualize the data daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.

In addition, it is possible to choose between different options of types of graphs:

You can also choose if you prefer to analyze the metrics viewing absolute numbers or in percentage, view Chats (Active chats/New chats) or Messages (Sent and Received)

Conversations' data

In the Conversations' data section you can find the details of every user that talked to any of your bots, as well as all the fields saved by the bot during the interaction with this user, by scrolling vertically and horizontally.

The actions that you can perform are:

  • Filter data by date range: click on the pre-defined buttons to select between different periods or customize your own range. You'll be able to visualize data from up to 12 months in the past.
  • Add filters: select "ADD FILTER" to add conditions to the result visualization.
  • Choose fields to display: click on "Display fields" to choose which fields you want to view.
  • Export the data: click on "Send report" to export the data and CSV file will be sent to your email.
    The email with a CSV file will be sent to the email address you use to log into Landbot.

Also, for a detailed step-by-step guide on how to open a CSV file, check here.

  • Delete the data: Select the chats you want to delete, and click on the Trash bin to delete multiple chats at once, and confirm the operation.
    Please note that once you delete the information in the Platform, it is also automatically deleted from our servers, so make sure to export all data before deleting the chats.
Deleting rows has a limit of 100 at a time.


In Channels you can find the metrics of the Channels of your account (Messenger, WhatsApp, and Web bots) and you'll see the list of all bots that you created.

In this subsection you'll be able to view the same kind of information as in the Overview subsection, but instead of the overall data, here the information will be related to the selected channel/bot.

In this subsection you can filter the bots by channel:

  1. Web
  2. WhatsApp
  3. Messenger
  4. API

Or you can also search the bot by the its name:

When inside the bot you can see the data in Metrics and Users, just as in the Overview section, but now the data is from the selected bot/channel:

Agent Reports

In Agent Reports you can find metrics of the interactions handled by your agents.

You can view and export the information related to the chat management of your agents.

For example, when the conversation was started, when the agent replied for the first time, etc.

There is a possibility to filter the data by agent's name:

In Agent Reports it's possible to perform the following actions:

  • Filter data by date range: click on "ALL" button to select between some pre-defined periods or customize your own range, up to 12 months.
  • Choose fields to display: you can choose to visualize only the important data for you by clicking on Clipboard Icon.

  • Export the data: click on "Raw data export" to export the report as CSV file to the email address you use to log into Landbot:

Tip: In the export, you will be able to see metrics like:

Assignation: The time and date of when the chat was assigned or re-assigned to the agent.

Agent First Message: The time and date of the first message sent by the agent in the chat.

First Response Time: The time between the assignation and the first message being sent by the agent.

Average Response time: The average time between the user message and the agent response (within that chat).

Flow Analytics

Flow Analytics is a visual tool that allows you to gain insights into the different paths that your users take in the bot, as well as drop-off points and other Metrics.

This can be found in the Analyze>Users section of your bot only, not in the Metrics section. You can check out our article on how the Flow Analytics work, here.

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How to export the data from your bots
