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Landbot native SEO & Tracking tools

You'll find this section in your Chatbot settings inside your Builder:

You will be able to customize all the meta-information of your landbot shown when you share it in Social Media Networks using the URL provided by the app. You can also add third-party tracking codes add like Google Analytics ID.

Meta title

The headline is displayed by search engines, messaging apps, and other channels when your landbot URL is shared.

Meta image

You can upload the image for the thumbnail that accompanies your URL.

Fav Icon

You can upload the icon in your landbot browser tab (Landbot logo by default).

Site Description (for search engines)

You can add the text that will be below the meta title that explains what users can find in the URL.

Google Analytics ID

You can integrate your Landbot with Google Analytics and tracking your chatbot traffic and conversions.

Enter here your Website Tracking ID (found in Google Analytics). It should be like UA-XXXX-Y.  

This tracking method only works when you share the bot with a link. If you intend to add this bot to your website, follow this instruction instead.

Facebook pixel ID

Integrate your FB pixel the easiest way! No need to paste the huge code from FB, just take your ID and you are ready to go!

You can still follow the current procedure and paste the whole code in the Custom Tracking snippets option.

  1. Custom Tracking snippets. Just one click and you will be able to track with the tracking application of your choice.

Warning: the URL must be an HTTPS:// otherwise you will get an error that will not allow you to save changes.

In the following example, the Meta Title is "The perfect Landbot", the Meta Image the "pink landbot's button" image, the  Favicon is Landbot's logo and the Site Description is "This is the best landbot ever.":

This is how it looks when you try to share your Landbot in social media channels like Twitter: 

Tip: Check this article from our CMO Fran Conejos to know more about how to configure Google Analytics for your Landbot and How to Create GA Events and Goals

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Hidden Fields (Get params / UTMs from url and use it as variables)

Typing Emulation (Message Delay)
