Table of Contents

1. WhatsApp Article Directory


Use this article to get to know the WhatsApp integration in all its different stages.

Stage 1: Things you need to know before requesting the WhatsApp Integration; explains everything you need to do and know before you make the official request.

Stage 2: Things you need to know when creating your first WhatsApp bot; explains everything you need to know about WhatsApp bots.

You can start stage 2 at the same time as stage 1.

Stage 3: Things you need to know once you have an official WhatsApp number integrated with Landbot; explains the different sections and actions that will be available to you once you have successfully integrated WhatsApp with Landbot.

Stage 1: Things you need to know before requesting the WhatsApp Integration

1. WhatsApp Testing - here you'll find the information about how to test your bots before integrating a phone number to the WhatsApp Business API.

We recommend to start building and testing your bot before you integrate the WhatsApp number to ensure your bot is exactly the way you want it to be before launching it.

2. Facebook Business Verification (Optional) - A process handled by Facebook to get full access to the WhatsApp Business API solution. This article explains the best practices when verifying your Facebook Business Manager.

3. Connecting a number to the WhatsApp Business API - How to integrate a WhatsApp phone number with Landbot, you once you have finished all your testing.

Stage 2: Stuff you need to know when creating your first WhatsApp bot

1. Best Practices and User guide - general best practices of how to build WhatsApp bots, including features to be used and the behaviour of bots explained. There is also a second section called "Interacting with Users" which acts as a user guide once you have integrated WhatsApp with Landbot.

2. Best Practices for Developers - This article offers a guide for developers that need a "quick" introduction to the most important concepts during the planning, developing and testing of a WhatsApp bot with Landbot for developers.

3. Feature Compatibility Guide - a list of Landbot features you can and cannot use with WhatsApp

4. Types of Content and Media you can use in WhatsApp bots - as the name explains, this article goes deeper into the type of content you can and can't use on WhatsApp and shows how it's displayed.

5. How to capture and use the user's first interaction with the bot - this workaround will allow you to capture user's first interactions and make your bot more powerful and personalised.

We recommend to always start your bot with this workaround ☝️

6. How to direct a user through a different bot flow on their second visit - if you want to treat users differently the second, third, fourth time they interact with the bot and give them a personalised and frictionless experience. Check out this article.

7. What to do if the user is stuck in an error message loop - because of the way WhatsApp works, there is a minimal chance a user gets stuck in a loop with the bot. This article explains what you need to do to easily get the users out of that loop.

Stage 3: Stuff you need to know once you have an official WhatsApp number integrated with Landbot

1. How to link a bot to your WhatsApp number - goes deeper into how to link a bot to your phone number, and cases where you can link other bots to the same number.

2. How to get subscribers (opt-ins) for your WhatsApp number - things you need to do before you can send push messages to your users.

3. Message Templates (WhatsApp push messages) - everything you need to know about push messages and how they work: how to request them and best practices to have WhatsApp approve them.

4. Campaigns section (how to send Message Templates) - explains how to manually send mass Message templates using the Landbot platform.

5. Sending Message templates by API - check out this article if you'd like to send Message templates to your users depending on specific actions or triggers.

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Types of Content and Media you can use in WhatsApp πŸ–Ό

2. WhatsApp Integration FAQ's
