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Create your bot

"The secrets of success are getting started and being persistent."

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89 articles by 11 authors
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Account Settings and Billing

Manage your Account Settings and Billing here. Worried about Security and Privacy? We got you all covered. Hit here to learn more.

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14 articles by 4 authors
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Integrations with Landbot

Check out our articles and "how to" guides to integrate Landbot with other services, such as Google Sheets, Mailchimp, Sendgrid, Calendly... or embeds in Weblfow, Wordpress... or connect to external APIs... and more!

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112 articles by 11 authors
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WhatsApp Channel

Create conversational marketing campaigns, engage existing customers and provide excellent customer service, all inside WhatsApp!

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39 articles by 12 authors
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Other Channels - Messenger and APIChat

Learn how to link your bots to Facebook pages and API channels.

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8 articles by 4 authors
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AI in Landbot

Discover how to leverage Landbot's built-in AI capabilities to automate interactions, enhance customer engagement, and streamline processes.

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3 articles by 3 authors
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Metrics and Data Management

Export all of your users in a CSV and measure the block-by-block conversion rate, getting a birds-eye view of all the interactions.

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4 articles by 2 authors
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For Developers & Designers

Are you happy playing around with JS/CSS/HTML? Learn how to boost your Landbot with these handy articles then!

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54 articles by 5 authors
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Workarounds and How To's

Want to explore all the possibilities of your bots beyond our native features? Check out this section for Workarounds, How To's and examples prepared by our Customer Support team!

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39 articles by 5 authors
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More Topics

Find here information about our major updates in the platform, special deals and much more!

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4 articles by 2 authors
