Table of Contents

Opt-in Check Block

Dilyara Updated by Dilyara

What is the Opt-in process and when and why do I need it?

To this day there are two different types of messages on WhatsApp.

1. Reactive messagesย - messages are considered reactive when the final user initiates the conversation for a period of 24 hours since the user's last message.

2. Proactive/Push Messages -ย messages are considered proactive when they are initiated by the company outside of the 24-hour window.

Before you can send proactive messages to your users; theyย must previously give you their consent.ย This is part of WhatsApp's policies to avoid SPAM to users.

In conclusion:

What is the opt-in process?

The process to obtain your user's consent and send them proactive messages

When do I need it?

Whenever you plan to send proactive messages to your users,ย make sure you plan ahead!

Why do I need it?

To comply with WhatsApp policies and regulations.

You can find all the basics on the WhatsApp Opt-in process and how to do it here

Opt-in Check block

In this context, it's very important to be able to recognize whether your user is already opted-in or not, so you don't have to worry about offering it more than once and can be sure the experience with your bot is smooth๐Ÿ„

That's why we have created the Opt-in Check block that allows checking it very easily ๐Ÿš€

Note: This block is available only for WhatsApp bots
Block anatomy

Basically, all you need to do is to add the Opt-in Check block to your flow where you want to check whether the user is already opted-in or not, and split the flow accordingly:

  • Green output โœ…

The subscribed users, who have already given their consent to receive notifications from your number (opted-in), will follow the green output of the block.

  • Red output โŒ

The users who are not subscribed yet will go through the red output of the block.

Tip: You can connect the red output of the block to the Opt-in block. Check this article for more information about how to use it.

This is what this flow looks like for the end user that hasn't opted-in yet:

And this way when the user is already opted-in:

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Opt-In block for WhatsApp ๐Ÿš€
