WhatsApp Quality - Best Practices

Gustavo Mejicanos Updated by Gustavo Mejicanos


The following is NOT official Meta guidance and therefore isn't guaranteed to work for all users at all times. Meta intentionally withholds their criteria for disabling or banning templates or numbers to prevent misuse. Consider this a guide to help minimize risks, and always stay current with Meta's official documentation and policy changes regarding commerce and usage.

Obtaining Opt-ins and Allowing Users to Opt Out at All Times

It's crucial to properly obtain user consent, known as "opt-in," before sending WhatsApp messages. This is especially important when generating or qualifying leads, as these users are more likely to change their minds and block your number, even if they initially consented to receive communications.

To mitigate this risk:

  • Don't just ask for opt-in once. Instead, send a confirmation template message immediately after a lead opts in through your website, chatbot, or other channels.
  • Provide an opt-out option at all times—include it in your marketing template messages and within the flow of your campaign-connected chatbots.
  • Make opting out of marketing communications straightforward to prevent users from blocking or reporting your number.

Continuously Edit and Optimize Message

The following steps will help reduce the risk of Meta disabling your message templates or WhatsApp number:

  • Meta regularly updates the quality ratings of your message templates and WhatsApp number. Monitor your account quality closely to detect any negative changes to your templates or number, and act quickly when necessary.
  • Access your WhatsApp Manager and enable email notifications. Meta will automatically alert you when the status of a template or number changes.
  • If a message template's quality drops or it receives a spam strike, edit it immediately or replace it with a new one. Avoid sending campaigns using low-quality message templates, and don't let your WhatsApp account accumulate these types of messages.

Considering the Percentage of Spam Reports Relative to Total Templates Sent

While it may seem logical to halt template sending after receiving a warning from Meta or experiencing a drop in account quality rating, it's crucial to understand how Meta operates.

Meta doesn't disclose exact figures, but they will lower the quality rating, temporarily suspend, or permanently ban a WhatsApp number if a significant proportion of users block the number or report it as spam.

To mitigate the risk of spam or block reports, continue sending high-quality templates to your customer base. This approach helps maintain a favorable ratio of successful messages to reported ones.


  1. Day 1:
    • You send a campaign to 1,000 users
    • 200 users report the number as spam or block it
    • ⛔️ With a 20% block rate, Meta is likely to disable your message template and/or your WhatsApp number
  2. Day 2:
    • Optimize the message template or create a new one (avoid using medium or low-quality templates)
    • Send a new campaign to 1,000 users
    • 50 users report the number as spam or block it
    • 🚀 Your WhatsApp number's overall block rate has dropped to 12.5%

      (250 total reports out of 2,000 total templates sent, compared to 200 reports from 1,000 templates sent previously)

How did we do?

How to get Opt-ins (Subscribers) for your WhatsApp 🚀

Opt-In block for WhatsApp 🚀
