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WhatsApp Error Logs: Troubleshooting guide

Anna P Updated by Anna P

This guide will help identify and resolve common errors you may find when sending a campaign or templates to your contacts. We will help you through your error logs and direct you to Meta's most common errors and FAQs!

1. Find error logs:

The first place we can check for errors when sending your template, is your WhatsApp channel error logs:

You'll find 2 types of logs, errors logs and templates sent. For troubleshooting we'll check for errors:

In your error logs, you'll find errors related to a specific contact, their phone, a timestamp and the error code sent by Meta.

Errors can be caused by different reasons, and you can usually tell an error occurred if a contact you meant to send a template, did not receive it.

Click on the error to display the full response:

Below we'll check the most common errors thrown by Meta

2. Understanding error codes:

When sending a template, an error can occur. It can be caused by different reasons, below we'll see the most common errors you can find in your logs.

Error code: 131026:

Message undeliverable:

We find it in Meta's error documentation as code 1026 - Receiver Incapable or message undeliverable:

We can see the reasons can include:

  • The recipient phone number is not a WhatsApp phone number.
  • Sending an authentication template to a WhatsApp user who has a +91 country calling code (India). Authentication templates currently cannot be sent to WhatsApp users in India.
  • Recipient has not accepted our new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
  • Recipient using an old WhatsApp version (see error code for more info)

Error code 131049:

This message was not delivered to maintain healthy ecosystem engagement.

What to do in this case?

  • If your communications are not marketing related, use a different template category like utility templates instead of marketing templates.
  • Make sure the quality of the text in your templates is good, so it does not sound like a spam message.
  • See Per-User Marketing Template Message Limits for additional information

See error code for more info

Error code 130472:

User's number is part of an experiment.

User's number is part of an experiment. Meta is constantly running experiments, you can find more information here.

Error code 131056:

(Business Account, Consumer Account) pair rate limit hit

What to do?:

Wait and retry sending your message/template to the same contact.

If you see any other error code, try checking in Meta's error code documentation.

Error code 131048

Spam rate limit hit

This error is popping because you either exceeded your daily limit, which you can check in the preview of your WhatsApp channel

Or because your users have been flagging your messages as spam, and even if you haven't reached your limit, Meta is restricting the messages you send.

What to do?

Check your quality status in the WhatsApp Manager and see the Quality-Based Rate Limits documentation for more information and try to obtain a higher limit.

Check why the messages you are sending can be flagged as spam. Are the users really subscribed to your channel? Can you try sending fewer messages or with a different tone?

And lastly, try sending Campaigns with Audiences that are not so big, try dividing them in groups of 500 contacts, for example.

3. Basic troubleshooting and FAQs:

Basic troubleshooting for templates (creating & sending)

Error submitting a template:

You were trying to submit a new Template but get the following error:

This generic error can appear if:

- There's an issue with your WABA, which would prevent your account from creating new templates. Check your account through this link.

- There could be an issue with the content in the template. Make sure all required fields are completed, and there are no errors. You'll find all the details for creating templates here, and Meta's Template requirements here.

If everything is correct in your template but the error pops up in landbot, try changing the name of your template and request it again.
Template does not display in Landbot

If you have a template ready in your Meta account, but does not display at Landbot, try using the sync button in your Templates section to synchronize them with your Meta account:

The same can be used if you've deleted/updated a template, and it does not display correctly in Landbot.

If you need any help contact us at

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