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Bot's Analyze Section

Anna P Updated by Anna P

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The bot's Analyze section is all about helping you make smarter decisions based on your Landbot's performance, so it's super important to understand it correctly📊

It's divided into three sections, so let's see what you can do in each one!

Note: Remember to apply date filters so that the data reflect an accurate picture


In the Metrics section, you'll find the basic information about conversion that you could use to learn from your users!

  • Chats - the number of users that started a conversation with the bot. This means that, at least, they've interacted with the Start Message.
  • Finished - the number of users that reached a block that wasn't connected to any other, which usually means that they finished the conversation! You can have several endings on your bot but, as long as users reach the last block of a sequence, they'll be counted as "finished".

You can check each metric separately by selecting it at the bottom of the page. When clicked, you will see the graphic only of the selected metric:

The actions that you can perform here are:

  1. Filter data by date range: you can visualize the data up to 12 months in the past in different pre-defined date ranges or even create your own custom date range.
  1. Select the timeframe: you can choose whether you want to visualize the data daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.
  1. Refresh: by clicking on this icon you can update the metrics.
  1. Choose the graphic's type: it is possible to choose between different options of types of graphs.
  1. Check Goals metrics:

You should select the goal that you want to check by clicking on Select your goal button:

Then at the right side of the page, you will be able to check the number of the users that reached this goal and its corresponding rate:

For more information about the Goal metrics, please refer to this article.

  1. Reset Metrics:

Need to reset the metrics from your bot? Click on the Reset Metrics button, confirm the operation, and that will be done in a few minutes!

Tip: You can also use the Metrics section of your account to find more information about the performance of your bots 📈


In the Users section, you can find the details of every user that talked to your bot, as well as all the fields saved by the bot during the interaction with this user, by scrolling vertically and horizontally.

The actions that you can perform here are:

  1. Filter by date range - click on the pre-defined buttons to select between different periods up to 12 months, or customize your own range:
  1. Refresh - by clicking on this icon you can refresh the data:
  1. Apply filter - by clicking on this icon you can add conditions to the result visualization:
  1. Show/hide fields - choose which field you want to view:
  1. Export report - click on Send report to export the data and the CSV file will be sent to your email:

The email will be sent by default to the email address you use to log into Landbot.

Also, for a detailed step-by-step guide on how to open a CSV file, check here.

  1. Delete data - select those interactions with users where you want to delete the data and click on the Trash icon to erase it. This information will be deleted permanently and this action cannot be undone:

Flow Analytics

NOTE: This section is still on BETA.

With Flow Analytics, you can track the block-by-block conversion and drop-off ratio in any Landbot, learn how!

The actions you can perform here are:

  1. Check the conversion and drop-off ratio from each block

The information provided is divided into 2 big groups:

  • Block-by-block conversion: That number you see over every blue arrow shows the percentage of people that, when reached that block, followed each path. 
  • Block drop-off: Red arrows show you the drop-off metric, AKA the percentage of visitors leaving the flow at that specific point.

Please note that for blocks that send messages (Send a Message block) the drop-off will always be 0%, as these messages are always delivered unless the user leaves before that block.

Finally, if you hover over any arrow you'll see the absolute number of visitors that have chosen that path:

  1. See drop-offs

By clicking on See drop-offs button, you can set the percentage to see the blocks that have a drop-off greater or equal to this %:

  1. Export flow

Click on the Export flow button at the bottom of the page to export your flow as PNG:

Additional Information
  • Second Visit: Please notice that the Flow Analytics section counts how many times a user passes through the block, without considering if it was in the same session or not (second visit).
  • Bricks: Click on the Brick to see the Flow Analytics inside it 👀
  • Jump to: When you click on the Jump to block in the Flow Analytics section, you will be redirected to the Flow Analytics section from that bot builder.
    On the second bot, the number of users that entered through the jump will be indicated in yellow:
Please notice that the Flow Analytics is not compatible with the Jump to feature when used for jumps within the same bot.


  1. Click on the Jump to block in the Flow Analytics section from the main bot:
  1. Check the Flow Analytics in the second bot.

Please keep in mind that even though you can see the Flow Analytics on the builder from the second bot, the fields and answers will still be stored in the Analyze > Users section from the main bot.

The same goes for the Metrics > Users section of the account.

Please check out this article for more information about the Jump to Feature and its limitations.


Please notice that in some specific cases, the Flow Analytics will not be applicable, where you will see N/A message instead of the percentage:

  1. Version conflict: When you make changes in the flow after the bot has been published.
    Example: If you published a bot in January and changed the flow in February, there will be incompatibilities in the Flow Analytics due to the different versions the section is analyzing.
    However, if you check the Flow Analytics in February (filtering the dates), you will not find this incompatibility.
  2. Jump to within the same bot: Please notice that if you use the Jump to block to perform jumps within the same bot, it will create a case of N/A.
    The same does not happen if you use the Jump to block to go to a different bot, and you will see all the flow analytics available in the second bot.
  3. Back button: If you use the bot with the back button, you will see the N/A message instead of the percentage in the parts of the flow where the users hit the back button.

For WhatsApp

This section behaves exactly the same way as in the Landbot (web) version.

For Facebook Messenger

This section behaves exactly the same way as in the Landbot (web) version.

The data prior to mid-February (2021) is not compatible with this section.

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Export data: How to open a CSV file
