Table of Contents

Agent Status and Log out

The status of your Teammates (agents) is very important when if comes to assignation of chats if you are using the Human Takeover block.

Tip: Please check out this article for more information about the Human Takeover block and how the Status of the agent affects the functioning of this block.

If we click on the profile logo on the bottom left of the Dashboard we'll find the Account Settings the app:

  1. Online: When you are online and available to handle chats, you will see a green dot on top of your avatar.
  2. Set Busy: If we click on  Set busy the app will consider us unavailable and therefore won't automatically assign conversations to us. 

    The green dot on top of your avatar will stop being green (online), and will become red (busy). The "Set busy button" then becomes Set online:
  3. If we click on  Log out we'll close our session and leave the app. You will be Offline then.

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Roles & Permissions for Teammates
