Table of Contents

The Facebook Messenger Ultimate Guide

Elisa Updated by Elisa

Create a new Facebook Messenger Channel

To create a new Facebook Messenger Channel, click on the Channels icon on the left bar of your Dashboard, then click on Messenger.

Click on the Create a new Channel button.

Then, click on the Log into your Facebook account button and you'll be redirected to Facebook.

Log-in to your Facebook account with your email and password.

Once you're logged in, you'll be able to select the Facebook page you want from the dropdown menu.

Choose a Name for your Facebook channel and click on Confirm.

Now you'll be able to see your Facebook Messenger Channel created in your Channel section.

The info showed on the channel preview are the creation date, the channel's name, the linked bot, and the number of chats.

Create a new Messenger bot

Click on Build a chatbot in the top-right corner of your dashboard:

Then, you'll have the option to choose the channel you want to create and you have to choose Messenger:

Then you can choose between using one of our templates or starting from scratch:

Select Scratch and you'll be redirected to your New bot's builder:

Build your bot

Please note that not all the features available in the bot builder are supported by Messenger.

To confirm the compatibility of a feature, please check:

  1. Content Supported: Please check this article for a list of all the content supported by our Messenger integration.
  2. Feature compatibility: Please make sure to check if the feature you intend to use is compatible with Messenger. Click on the article regarding that feature and check the subsection Messenger for further information.
    Please find the list of all builder blocks in this link.

To have your bot linked with your Facebook page, go back to Channels > Messenger > your Messenger channel > Linked bot.

Then, choose the bot you want to link from the dropdown menu and click on Link Bot, then on Confirm.

HUMAN CHAT: It is also possible to use the Messenger channel without any bot linked to it. In this case, it will work as a Human Chat, and your agents will be able to answer the user directly from the chats section of your Landbot account.

Add the bot in the Settings of your Facebook Page

To do so, access your Facebook Page.

  1. On the left side of your page, you will find the Manage Page and profiles settings > scroll down and choose Settings.
  1. In the Page Settings, choose Advanced Messaging.
  2. In the Advanced Messaging options, choose the option Responses are all automated.

How to preview a Messenger bot

Please read this article to learn how to preview a Messenger bot!

FAQ and Troubleshooting

Since the Messenger bots integrate with Facebook, there is some setup and troubleshooting required on your own Facebook page.

My bot is not responsive - Renew Facebook Token

Facebook requires you to update the token every couple of months. The tokens have to be manually updated. 

To renew the token, you just have to link the bot again to the Messenger Channel (doing the login in Facebook, if required again).

Click on CONFIRM to save the channel, refresh the page and run another test.

This process automatically renews the token, and it's always the first thing to try when the sending/reception fails! 

"There is no Facebook Page" error when connecting your page:

This error may occur when the Facebook page's account you're trying to link does not have the expected permissions to integrate with our app.

This is resolved by making sure the Facebook profile you're trying to log in with has full Admin permissions.

You can check your user's permissions for your Facebook pages following the instructions of this Meta guide.

If adding Admin permissions does not resolve the error, try creating a new profile and add Admin permissions to it. Then connect the channel though this profile instead.
How can I see other Facebook Pages to connect to my bot?

If you are not being able to see the Facebook page you want to integrate with Landbot, you must update your Business Integrations set up in your Facebook account. To do so, please:

  1. Access your Facebook account and click on your avatar > Settings & Privacy > Settings
  2. Click on the option Business integrations:
  3. Click on View and Edit in the Landbot integration.
  4. Enable (turn on) all options, or choose the ones you want to show, and save.
  5. Refresh the page in Facebook and Landbot, and create a new Messenger Channel in Landbot.

❌ No. You can have just a bot active on your Facebook page at the same time.

✅ Of course, you can change the bot at any time from the Linked Bot section, as we've seen before.

Can I create multiple channels with the same Facebook page?

❌ No, you can't create multiple Messenger channels with the same Facebook page. If you try to do this, you'll get this error:

✅ What you can do is have multiple channels, each from different Facebook pages (from the same Facebook account).

Can I have more than one Facebook account integrated with Landbot?

Yes, you can have more than one Facebook account, just keep in mind that you must follow all the steps to create a Facebook Messenger Channel and be logged in to your other Facebook account (must have Admin permissions for the Facebook Page) within the same browser window.

Can I send a proactive message to open the chat?

It is possible to do this in the setup of your Facebook Page.

Go to the page Settings > Choose Messaging from the left side Menu > Starting a Messenger Conversation > turn the option "show a greeting" ON > Customize the message.

Can I send or receive voice notes?

In fact, this is a limitation of the integration, even though your users send voice notes, you will not be able to see or hear them in the Chats section or in the Analyze or Metrics section 👆🏻

Can I automatically save the username?

No, in order to have the user’s name you have to ask it and save it under a variable e.i. @name

How did we do?

Types of content you can use in Messenger bots 🖼
