Table of Contents

Airtable integration block

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What's Airtable?

Airtable is like a spreadsheet on steroids. It lets you create relational database without code and visualize data in different views โ€” kanban, calender, gallery, etc.

Common use cases with Landbot:

  1. CRM: Save lead data captured by Landbot in Airtable.
  2. Content Management System: Manage content (e.g. product info, FAQ) in Airtable, then show it in Landbot dynamically.
This integration is currently in Beta, it'll be available to Professional plan & above after the beta is ended (early May)

Connect your Airtable account

If it's your first time setting up this integration, you will first need to connect to your Airtable account:

  1. Click on CONNECT NOW
  1. Enter the name of this Airtable account in case you need to identify it easily.
  2. Enter your Airtable API key. It can be found under your account page in Airtable.

Once an account is connected, you can select it directly from the dropdown list in the future.

If you ever need to delete an account, you can do so in Integrations > Airtable > Accounts

Select Base & Table

Once you selected an Airtable account, it's time to specify which base & table you want to operate in.

WARNING:ย The Airtable base must be created in its final versionย before integrating with Landbot. If you perform any changes in the structure of the base, the integration must be set up again.

Select Action

Select the action you want to perform. There are 4 options to choose from:

  • Add a record
  • Get a record
  • Get multiple records
  • Update a record
As usual,ย the action will only be performed when a user reaches the block in a flow. We recommend you place it right after you have collected the data that is important to you, to make sure visitors go through it and trigger the integration (instead of placing it at the end of the flow).
Add a record

To add a new record into your Airtable, you have to map Landbot value to Airtable fields. You can set up as many field/value pairs as you want.

  1. Field: A column in Airtable. Each Airtable field has to have a "field type" (data format) specified. You can see the type of each field in the dropdown.
  2. Value: The value you want to pass to the selected Airtable field. This could be a static value or variable (e.g. @name).
Please make sure the value can be accepted by the selected Airtable field type. The action will fail if the data format is not compatible

For example: If you select a field with type as number, the variable you try to pass is a string, the record will not be added.

Get a record

If you want to get just a single record from a table, this is the action to use.

  1. View (optional): If set, only the records in that view will be returned. The records will be sorted according to the order of the view unless the sort parameter is included, which overrides that order. Fields hidden in this view will be returned in the results.
  2. Sort (optional):
    1. The field you want to sort by.
    2. You can select whether sort ascend (A-> Z) or descend (Z -> A)
  3. Filter (optional) : There are 2 ways to specify the record you want through filtering
    1. Basic: Specify how you want to find a record using the UI
    2. Advanced (filter with formulas): Enter formulas in the text area. Here are all the Airtable formulas available.
If multiple records match the filter, only the top record will be selected.
  1. Save record values as variables: Map Airtable fields to Landbot variables to save record values
Make sure the data format is compatible.

Get multiple records

If you want to get multiple records from a table at once, this is the action to use.

You can save these records as Array and display them as buttons, auto-complete, or picture choices using Dynamic Data block

  1. View (optional): If set, only the records in that view will be returned. The records will be sorted according to the order of the view unless the sort parameter is included, which overrides that order. Fields hidden in this view will be returned in the results.
  2. Sort (optional):
    1. The field you want to sort by.
    2. You can select whether sort ascend (A-> Z) or descend (Z -> A)
  3. Max record (optional): Airtable allows you to return up to 100 records at once. If you don't want that many in your result, you can specify a lower number.
  4. Selected fields (optional): If you don't want to get all the fields, you can simply specify the fields you want in the result.
  5. Filter (optional) : There are 2 ways to specify the record you want through filtering
    1. Basic: Specify how you want to find a record using the UI
    2. Advanced (filter by formulas): Enter formulas in the text area. Here are all the Airtable formulas available.

If multiple records match the filter, only the top record will be selected.
  1. Save list as variables: Save records as an Array variable

Update a record

This action lets you update a single record's value.

  1. View (optional): If set, only the records in that view will be returned. The records will be sorted according to the order of the view unless the sort parameter is included, which overrides that order. Fields hidden in this view will be returned in the results.
  2. Sort (optional):
    1. The field you want to sort by.
    2. You can select whether sort ascend (A-> Z) or descend (Z -> A)
  3. Filter (optional) : There are 2 ways to specify the record you want
    1. Basic: Specify how you want to find a record using the UI
    2. Advanced (filter by formulas): Enter formulas in the text area. Here are all the Airtable formulas available.
  4. Update record values:
    1. Field: A column in Airtable. Each Airtable field has to have a "field type" (data format) specified. You can see the type of each field in the dropdown.
    2. Value: The value you want to pass to the selected Airtable field. This could be a static value or variable (e.g. @name).
    Please make sure the value can be accepted by the selected Airtable field type. The action will fail if the data format is not compatible

    For example: If you select a field with type as number, the variable you try to pass is a string, the record will not be updated.

Why is there a 'Failed" path?

If you set up everything correctly, the failed path should almost never be trigged. However, it's always a good practice to set it up to avoid a dead end in the flow in case something goes wrong.

Channel Type compatibility

for Web

This feature is fully compatible.

for WhatsApp

This feature is fully compatible.

for Messenger

This feature is fully compatible.

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Get data filtered from Airtable with a Brick- Shop example
