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How to open a new URL in another tab (window)

Hajar Updated by Hajar

For Web

Would you like to send the users to another URL, opening a new tab (window) without closing the bot?

Check out this article to see how to do this πŸ˜‰

Clicking on a button from a Buttons block

It is possible to do this in the Buttons block, adding an External link to a button.

To do so, click on the 3 dots on the upper right side of the block to open the Advanced buttons editor.

In the Advanced buttons editor, click on the gear wheel βš™οΈ to open more options to edit the buttons, and add the link to the page in the External Link field.

Warning: the URL must be an HTTPS://Β otherwise you will get an error that will not allow you to save changes.

Don't forget to save the changes in the block, and in the bot too before running a test!

This is how it will look to your users when having a conversation with the bot:

Final view in Landbot 3:

When the users click on the button, the URL will be opened in a new tab (window), so that the bot can continue the flow without redirecting the page.

Warning: External URLs are not compatible with the Multiple choice option in the Buttons block.

It is also possible to add an external link to a text in the Message block.

To do so, click on the 3 dots on the lower right side of the block to open the advanced editor.

You can also hover over the left side of the block to click on the gear wheel βš™οΈ for a bigger view.

Select the text you would like to add the link to, and click on the hyperlink sign β™Ύ .

Then you just have to add the link and apply the change by clicking on the tick sign βœ”οΈ.

You can also add a variable to the URL, such as @{name} in:{name}

Don't forget to save the changes in the block, and in the bot too before running a test.

This is how you will look in the builder after you have added the link to the text.

This is how it will look to your users when having a conversation with the bot:

Final view in Landbot 3:

When the user clicks on the link, the URL will be opened in a new tab (window), and the bot can continue the flow without redirecting the page.

For WhatsApp

The Buttons block with Hyperlinks is not compatible with WhatsApp bots. Check here the compatibility of the Buttons block with WhatsApp bots.

In WhatsApp, to redirect your users to another URL, you should add the link just as a text in the Send a Message block:

Note: Please have in mind that the Hyperlinks are not compatible with WhatsApp bots, the link will be still visible:

For Facebook Messenger

The Buttons block with Hyperlinks is not compatible with Messenger bots.

For the Message block, the setup in the builder is exactly the same as in the Web version, but the links will be displayed differently for the final user depending on how you link it, as you can see inΒ this article.

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How to redirect visitors to a URL (web only)
