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NGOs and Educational Organizations Discount

Enrico Updated by Enrico

We are proud to support NGOs and public Educational Institutions with a 50% discount on our products.

The discount has a validity of 12 months, it is not accumulable with other discounts.

This discount is not applicable to yearly plans.

The discount is not applicable to WhatsApp plans.

The discount will not work for the account if the WhatsApp Add-on is included in the plan, or if the yearly billing cycle is chosen.

This discount is not applicable to associations of more than 50 people.

The application process is only open to new customers. All you need to do is send an email to including:

  1. An official document that supports your NGO or Educational status;
  2. A link to your organization’s website;
  3. Use “Nonprofit Discount Request” as subject line.

Accepted documentation:

We accept any official documentation that supports your nonprofit nature. This will vary depending on the country you live in.

US customers can submit a 501(c)(3) document, while UK customers can submit their registered charity number.  

If you are not sure what this looks like for your country, here are some examples of documentation we accept:

  • An official document stating that your organization is not a “for profit” body;
  • An official document stating that your organization is exempt from tax.

If your application is approved, one member of our Customer Success Team will contact you in 7 working days and eventually provide you with the discount code.

Landbot reserves the right to reject applications, or cancel this Program at any time, for any reason, at its sole discretion.

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