Redirect Users

How to open a new URL in another tab (window)

For Web. Would you like to send the users to another URL, opening a new tab (window) without closing the bot? Check out this article to see how to do this 😉 Clicking on a button from a Buttons block.…

Updated by Hajar

How to redirect visitors to a URL (web only)

There are many reasons when you might want to redi Link in Message block to new tab. to a static url. to a variable. Flow redirection to new tab (recommended). to a static url. to a variable. Flow re…

Updated by Ana

Conditional Welcome (Non-embedded bots)

There are several instances where we may need a dynamic bot with different flow options. In this example, we'll create two different flows for our user, depending on an external parameter, in this ca…

Updated by Abby

How to add a Click-to-Call/Email/WhatsApp button

In case you want to redirect the user to another URL please check this other article Or if you want to try it out, check the bottom-right widget ;) For Landbot (Web). Click-to-Call - Redirect visitor…

Updated by Ana

Redirect User Based on Language Input (DeepL)

DeepL is a language translation tool which allows you to use their free API for translations. They currently support 26 languages for more information on supported languages check out their docs. The…

Updated by Abby

Generate a URL that has variables from user answers

It can happen that at the end of the flow you want redirect your clients to a specific website. It can be also the case that you want to generate a URL with the values provided by the users and that…

Pau Sanchez
Updated by Pau Sanchez

Popup on Exit Intent

When trying to capture leads we need to use every resource available, here we'll show you how to display a popup modal when the user scrolls out of the page using the open-source Ouibounce library. T…

Updated by Abby
