Components CSS Library

Components CSS Library Index

A CSS Library with links to articles and several classes

Updated by Abby

Background Class CSS

Background classes and some examples of how to use them

Updated by Abby

Identify Blocks CSS

Block classes and some examples of how to use them

Updated by Abby

Buttons Class CSS

Button classes and some examples of how to use them

Updated by Abby

Header Class CSS

Header classes and some examples of how to use them

Updated by Abby

Media Class CSS

Media classes and some examples of how to use them

Updated by Abby

Message Bubble Class CSS

Message bubble classes and some examples of how to use them

Updated by Abby

Miscellaneous Classes CSS

Miscellaneous classes and some examples of how to use them

Updated by Abby

Recommended Image Sizes

Ideal sizes for media types so that we avoid stretching the photos or cutting them off.

Updated by Abby

Dynamic Data CSS

There are just a few classes for the Dynamic Data block, however, with little we can do a lot. Here are some of them:.dropdown-item:hover{ }.DropdownItem__Content{ } Autocomplete Background. To chang…

Updated by Abby

Form Block CSS

Form Title. [data-type="multi_question"].MessageBubble__content h4 { } Width of Form Block:. [data-type="multi_question"].Message__message-content { } Form Subtitle. [data-type="multi_question"].Mess…

Cesar Banchio
Updated by Cesar Banchio

Multi Questions CSS

Title. [data-block=“Block_reference”].MessageBubble__content h4 { } Subtitle. [data-block=“Block_reference”].MessageBubbleText p { } Question Header. [data-block=“Block_reference”] form div:nth-child…

Cesar Banchio
Updated by Cesar Banchio
