WhatsApp Channel

Getting started with the WhatsApp Integration

Everything you need to know before requesting an official WhatsApp API number with Landbot; how to get your official number approved, how to test the integration and more!

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5 articles by 4 authors

Opt-in, Templates and Campaigns

In this section you will see how to get subscribers to your Whatsapp bot, how to contact users, request templates and create campaigns to target your audience.

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11 articles by 6 authors

WhatsApp Bot Creation - Best Practices and compatibility guide

Find in this section specific information about building Whatsapp bots, including compatibility with our features, useful tips and how to's!

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14 articles by 6 authors

1. WhatsApp Article Directory

Introduction. Use this article to get to know the WhatsApp integration in all its different stages. Stage 1: Things you need to know before requesting the WhatsApp Integration ; explains everything y…


2. WhatsApp Integration FAQ's

Conversation-based pricing is changing starting June 1, 2023. Please see their Pricing changes in this document to learn how this will impact you. Conversation-based pricing until June 1st 2023. What…

Updated by Enrico

WhatsApp Number Deletion (WA Channel management)

Intro. There could be situations where you might need to delete the phone number that you have active with Landbot because you need it for a different use. In such cases, you'll need to get in contac…

Gustavo Mejicanos
Updated by Gustavo Mejicanos

Customize and embed your WhatsApp Widget

Introduction. One of the best ways to get your users to interact with your WhatsApp bot is by adding a WhatsApp chat widget on a Landing page of your choice (depending on who your target audience is)…


Meta processes guide: FBM verification, Official Business Account (OBA) requests, Appeals

This article will serve as a guide for different Meta Processes, like Facebook Business Verification, Official Business Account requests or Appeals. Each process has some prerequisites and points to…

Gustavo Mejicanos
Updated by Gustavo Mejicanos

Enhancing WhatsApp Bots with Delayed Responses Using External APIs

WhatsApp bots have become increasingly popular for automating conversations and providing quick responses. However, adding a delay between messages can significantly improve the user experience and s…

Cesar Banchio
Updated by Cesar Banchio

Additional Number integration: Limitations and Requirements (Number integration)

Intro. It is possible to add an additional phone number to your Landbot account, and to do so you have to follow the step-by-step in our support article Adding a WhatsApp Number to your account. In t…

Gustavo Mejicanos
Updated by Gustavo Mejicanos

Send a Message Template from the Builder

With the Send a Message Template block, you can trigger a Message Template to be sent at any point in your flow 💪🏼 Configuration. Setting up and configuring the block is easy: Select your WhatsApp nu…

Jonathan Goodfellow
Updated by Jonathan Goodfellow

Existing WhatsApp Number Migration

There are two possible scenarios where a WhatsApp number already integrated in the WhatsApp Business API might be migrated; from a third-party BSP to Landbot or from 360Dialog to Landbot. Before star…

Anna P
Updated by Anna P
