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Boosting Campaign Performance with Pre-Landing Pages: 5 Effective Strategies

Pau Sanchez Updated by Pau Sanchez

In digital marketing, especially in lead generation campaigns via platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads, the speed at which your website loads can be the difference between capturing a lead or losing one. The moment a user clicks on your ad, they expect a fast, seamless experience. If your page takes too long to load, you risk losing potential customers, increasing your bounce rate, and wasting your ad budget.

The Concept of a Pre-Landing Page

A pre-landing page is a streamlined version of your landing page that loads quickly and offers immediate, relevant content to the user. The idea is to present something that captures attention and invites interaction, while heavier elements, such as chatbots or extensive media, are deferred until after the user engages. This ensures that the initial impression is positive and doesnโ€™t suffer due to slow load times.

5 Examples of Effective Pre-Landing Page Strategies

1. Pre-Landing Page Banner

Concept: Display a landing page with a clear Call to Action (CTA) banner. The main content or heavier elements, such as a chatbot, are loaded only when the user clicks on the CTA.

  • Benefit: This approach ensures that users are met with a fast-loading page, improving their initial experience and encouraging interaction.
  • Example: Live Codepen Example

See the Pen CTA click full page by Pau (@landbot_help) on CodePen.

2. Pre-Landing Page Input

Concept: Present a full-page design that prompts users to submit information. Once the information is submitted, the heavier elements, such as a chatbot, are loaded.

3. Pre-Landing Page Full Page - On Touch/Mouseover

Concept: Display plain content on a full page that disappears when the user moves the mouse or touches the screen, triggering the loading of more complex elements.

4. CTA Modal Opening

Concept: Start with a simple CTA on the pre-landing page. When the user clicks the CTA, it loads a chatbot or other interactive element within a full-page modal.

5. Embedded CTA

Concept: Embed a CTA button within the pre-landing page. When the user clicks this button, the chatbot or other content loads within the same area of the page.

  • Benefit: This strategy keeps the initial page load light and integrates interactive content in a way that feels seamless and unobtrusive to the user.
  • Example: Live Codepen Example

See the Pen CTA - Embed by Pau (@landbot_help) on CodePen.

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