Getting Subscribers: Opt-in, Contacts

How to get Opt-ins (Contacts) for your WhatsApp ๐Ÿš€

According to the updated WhatsApp Business Messaging Policy in November 2024 , businesses must obtain opt-in permission before messaging customers on WhatsApp. This permission can be general and notโ€ฆ

Updated by Elisa

WhatsApp Quality - Best Practices

Intro. The following is NOT official Meta guidance and therefore isn't guaranteed to work for all users at all times. Meta intentionally withholds their criteria for disabling or banning templates orโ€ฆ

Gustavo Mejicanos
Updated by Gustavo Mejicanos

Opt-In block for WhatsApp ๐Ÿš€

Opt-in & consent policies:. Users need to agree to subscribe to your WhatsApp Business before you can send proactive messages (Message Templates) to them. Also, if you want to initiate a conversationโ€ฆ

Jonathan Goodfellow
Updated by Jonathan Goodfellow

Opt-in Check Block

What is the Opt-in process and when and why do I need it?. To this day there are two different types of messages on WhatsApp. 1. Reactive messages - messages are considered reactive when the final usโ€ฆ

Updated by Dilyara
