
How to Perform Basic Calculations

Do you need to perform basic mathematical calculations on your chatbot? Find out how to easily do this by setting variables!. Note: This Block is only available on P remium Accounts.. It is possible…


Get started with the Formulas block

Note: The Formulas block is only available on the Professional and Business plans. Prefer watching than reading? No problem, we've got you covered 👇 🎥 Check out our Academy video tutorial What are Fo…

Marco de Vita
Updated by Marco de Vita

Formulas Blocks Dashboard

The Formulas Block Dashboard. Once you have some formulas block up and running, head over to Integrations on the vertical menu, click on Builders Apps & Blocks and finally on Formulas. In this sectio…

Marco de Vita
Updated by Marco de Vita

Formulas - Regex

If is your first time with Formulas, please check our Getting Started guide here and our crash course here. F ormulas available. RegexText. RegexTest. Check if the user input contains only numbers an…

Updated by Dilyara

Formulas - Date

If this is your first time using Formulas, please check our Getting Started guide here and our crash course here. Use the Date Formulas if you need to include the date and/or time to your chatbot, ca…

Marco de Vita
Updated by Marco de Vita

Formulas - String

If this is your first time using Formulas, please check our Getting Started guide here and our crash course here. Formulas available. Capitalize. Contains. Length. Lower. Replace. Slice. Split. Title…

Updated by Judit

Formulas - Logical

If this is your first time using Formulas, please check our Getting Started guide here and our crash course here. This is a logical function used to require more than one condition at the same time.…

Updated by Judit

Formulas - Math

If this is your first time using Formulas, please check our Getting Started guide here and our crash course here. Use the Math formulas if you need to make calculations in your chatbot! Read this art…

Updated by Judit

Formulas - Object

If this is your first time using Formulas, please check our Getting Started guide here and our crash course here. Read this article for some practical examples of the possibilities to use "GetValue"…

Updated by Judit

Formulas - Comparison

If is your first time using Formulas, please check our Getting Started guide here and our crash course here. What are Comparison F o rmulas?. Comparison Formulas are, as the title suggests, a way to…

Marco de Vita
Updated by Marco de Vita

Formulas - Array

If this is your first time using Formulas, please check our Getting Started guide here and our crash course here. The Formulas block is a great way to easily manipulate your existing Arrays. Use this…

Marco de Vita
Updated by Marco de Vita
