
Agent Status and Log out

The status of your Teammates (agents) is very important when if comes to assignation of chats if you are using the Human Takeover block. Tip: Please check out this article for more information about…


Roles & Permissions for Teammates

You can control what a teammate can do inside of your Landbot account by assigning appropriate roles. What roles are available? Admin. Can view and edit everything in the platform. Only an admin can…


Teammates - Add extra agents (seats) to your Account

What is a Teammate?. A Teammate is person who has access to your Landbot account, but with his/her own credentials. When you create a Teammate you create a unique Login and Password for this user. An…

Updated by Dilyara

Notifications section

The notifications section is the place where you can set up all the notifications you will receive in your account. Chats notifications. Now, every time a new chat goes through the Human Takeover blo…

Updated by Elisa
