Native blocks for WhatsApp

Reply Buttons block (WhatsApp)

Reply buttons, allows you to add buttons in a Whatsapp bot, for quick replies, saving time and effort to the user of the bot. It is very handy for: Airtime recharge. Changing personal details. Reorde…

Pau Sanchez
Updated by Pau Sanchez

Keyword Options πŸ”‘ Assign keywords to buttons (WhatsApp and Facebook)

Improved experience for messaging channels. What would happen if Buttons and Keyword Jump had a baby? πŸ‘Ά We thought about it for a while, and finally came up with a solution: a newborn block, named Ke…

Ilaria Scuotto
Updated by Ilaria Scuotto

List Buttons Block (WhatsApp)

The List Buttons block allows you to create a list of selectable items displayed as buttons. Block editor: You'll find the following sections: Header (optional). Text. Footer (optional). List header/…

Anna P
Updated by Anna P

Collect Intent block

The User Input block is a super useful tool that we can use to capture and use your user's first interaction with your bot! This can be a really useful way to start your flow!

Jonathan Goodfellow
Updated by Jonathan Goodfellow

AI in WhatsApp

Prefer watching than reading? No problem, we've got you covered πŸ‘‡ πŸŽ₯ How to Build WhatsApp Chatbots Powered by AI WhatsApp can be even more powerful when we integrate AI, in this example we'll explain…

Updated by Abby
