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Opt-In block for WhatsApp 🚀

Anna P Updated by Anna P

Users need to agree to subscribe to your WhatsApp Business before you can send proactive messages (Message Templates) to them.

Also, if you want to initiate a conversation outside of the 24-hour window you can only send Message Templates to subscribed users.

The obligation of asking for consent is part of WhatsApp’s policies to avoid SPAM to users.

You'll find all the basics on the WhatsApp Opt-in process here

Different ways to Opt-in (subscribe) your users:

  1. Using Snippet
  2. Using API
  3. Using a web bot
  • New Opt-in block for WhatsApp bots 🚀
  1. Opt-in block for WhatsApp bots

You'll find it in the "Most used" and the "Questions" categories in the features list when you're building your WhatsApp bot:

Block anatomy

When you open the block's configuration, you will find that the Header, Body and Footer of the message are pre-filled with a default message:

  • Header


  • Body

- "Would you like to receive news & updates from us?"

  • Footer

- "Choose Yes to confirm"

The Header and Footer are optional fields, while the Body text is mandatory.

You can edit these messages how you prefer, however, there's a 2 button limit, one acting as GREEN output and the other as RED output. (similar to the conditions block behavior)

Remember that users will be subscribed ONLY if they click on the answer associated with the GREEN output.

Make sure you connect the two main outputs to the confirmation and rejection messages.

The third output - the Default output - will come into play when a user doesn't choose any of the 2 options, but types a message instead. This can occur at any time, so we suggest connecting the Default to a third message, and giving indications on how to proceed (choose Yes or No)

Subscribers list

After a user clicks on Yes (or the answer associated with the green output), they will be automatically added to your subscribers list by going to the WhatsApp Business channel > Subscribers

If you are using your own Testing number to test a bot, you will be the only subscriber in the subscribers list.

How to Opt-out

You can use the Red output if you want to give the possibility to un-subscribe (Opt-out).

You just need to edit the question and ask the users if they want to keep receiving your messages. If they click on No - or the button associated with the RED output - they will be automatically removed from your subscribers list.

You can also Opt-out your users manually from the WhatsApp Business channel > Subscribers.

How to check if the user is already Opted-in

To avoid asking the same user multiple times, you can easily check if the user has already opted-in with our Opt-in Check block, and ask only those users who haven't yet😉

Next Steps

Once you have your subscriber list, you may want to send them broadcast messages or notifications. If that's the case, please read this article on how to send broadcast messages/notifications.

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Opt-in Check Block
